A crossroad can seem like a terrible place. We look to the left and see all that is familiar, comfortable and safe. We look to the right and see new horizons, new steps to travel and unknown outcomes. As much as we desire for something new, we can't let go of what we've grown accustomed to. The job that is unsatisfying, the relationship that has lost its intimacy and connection, the friendships that seem strange or forced or the hobby that is no longer filled with passion. We become anxious thinking about the status quo. We know there's no joy in the place where we currently stand and yet the new territory to be traveled feels awkwardly unsettling. Making the decision to travel a new path begins with one step to the right. We can take a big step or a baby step. The pace you travel and the width of your stride depends on you. As we grow more comfortable with this new direction, the walk may turn into a strut, a jog, a run or a skip. The journey is self-set in accordance with our willingness to embrace the unknown. Our trust in Spirit strengthens as we open to what awaits us.