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During meditation, I was guided to create a Reiki system that would empower women with the Goddess. The system came to me in the form of a symbol. While working with this symbol, I began to re-experience past lives in which I was a part of Goddess cultures all over the world. It was beautiful. I vividly recalled the times when women and the Goddess were the empowered ones who existed on this planet. We took our roles seriously in those lifetimes because we were responsible for the food we fed our families and for carrying on the cycles of life and death. We valued both life and death quite equally in those times and accepted the importance of each cycle. Also during this time, women’s bodies were considered divine. We were the bringers of life. This workshop included a history of Goddess study and lore, a discussion of the Goddess culature and lifestyle, the Awakening the Goddess Within Reiki attunement, a 30 page workbook and a meditation to connect with a Goddess who would assist in a current issue or problem.
THE PATH TO RECONNECTION. . . . with Ellany Kincross
Are you in transition? Have you recently lost your job, changed careers, gotten divorced, left a long-term relationship, lost a loved one, moved or experienced a vast amount of changes in your life? Sudden changes, losses or new situations take us out of our physical body and disconnect us from who we are. Disconnection leads to our inability to have a full human experience. The purpose of this workshop is to get you reconnected to your chakra centers and understand the importance of having a full connection with your body. Come explore an afternoon of deep meditation, movement and sharing. Please bring a mat or towel and wear comfortable clothing.
CUTTING PSYCHIC CORDS. . . . with Ellany Kincross
Do you feel like you can't meet the person you're destined to be with?
Do you feel like you meet the same men or women all the time?
Do you have the same disappointments after each relationship ends?
Do you keep getting the same type of boss at each job you go to?
Do you think you'll never get ahead or succeed in your career?
Do you think it's just YOU?
Far from it! A psychic cord is an invisible cord of energy that connects us to those with whom we're involved. We're psychically corded to our parents, siblings, and co-workers. We're also corded to those we date and love. If a relationship is healthy, the cording is a beautiful and dynamic sharing of energies. If the relationship is unhealthy or toxic, the cord keeps us tied in one place and we can't move forward. During this workshop, we'll do a number of experiential exercises, meditations, and a cord-cutting ritual. We will close the day by setting the intention of bringing into our lives an ideal relationship. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat or towel for meditation. A notebook and pen are desirable for taking notes and recording your experiences. There will be a 60 minute lunch break.
HEART OF THE MATTER. . . . with Ellany Kincross
All healing comes from within the heart...Come and enjoy a wonderful workshop where we'll focus on expansion, release and forgiveness in the heart and heart chakra area. The class will begin with a deep meditation to connect you with your heart and then we'll release and forgive the attachments you have to the past. Once we have released, we'll empower our hearts with self-love. After a brief break, we'll go into meditation again and each attendee will receive an individualized hands-on healing session. After the healing sessions, each attendee will receive a mini-psychic reading. This workshop will prove to be a powerful and transformative event for all attendees. Please wear comfortable clothes, bring a mat or towel for meditation, a snack, water and a journal to record your experiences.