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Lack vs. end desire?

Have you found yourself saying, "I wish I had a better job."

"I wish I had a better relationship with my spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, significant other, etc."

"I wish I made more money."

"I wish I could take the vacation I've been dreaming about."

"I wish I was able to change my career."

In all of the statements above, the wish comes from a place of 'lack'.  As we know, the law of attraction responds to our place of lack by giving us more lack.  The law of attraction is not a new concept for any of us.  With that in mind, why is it that we do not act to change our law of attraction?  I feel it is because we are conditioned to separate ourselves from what we have to what we desire.  There are two ways to overcome this disparity.  The first is to shift our thoughts.  The second is to visualize our end result as happening now.  For example:

Instead of saying "I wish I had the relationship of my dreams, say, "I'm with the partner of my dreams."  This statement puts your desire in the present.  At that same time, see yourself with that ideal partner.  See yourself walking down the street and holding hands, see yourself sharing a romantic dinner together, see yourself enjoying a drink together while watching the sunset in an exotic location.  When operating from the end desire, the universe can bring your desire to you because you are changing your law of attraction.

You can follow suit with your desire to have more money.  Say, "I'm so excited that my savings account balance is over $15,000 and that I'm leaving next week for that trip to Hawaii I've been dreaming about."  At the same time, see your bank statement with that desired amount, see yourself boarding the plane for Hawaii and see yourself walking on the beach under the warm sun.

A shift in thoughts and a change in your perception can bring you your desires.  It takes effort, but it can be done.  Think of it as a commitment to you and what you truly want.  Isn't that the best type of commitment?

Have you been grounded?

Surrender gracefully or in defeat?