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Surrender gracefully or in defeat?

 In the major arcana of the tarot there is a card called ‘The Hanged Man’.  The images on the card depict a man who hangs upside down from a tree.  While being suspended in this way, he views the world from a different perspective and gains insight into his life.  The Hanged Man also represents the place of surrender.  While this is the place where we wait willingly, it can also be the place where we surrender in defeat. What is the difference between willingly surrendering and surrendering from a place of defeat?  When we willingly surrender, we admit that the way we've been functioning and perceiving our lives is no longer working.  As such, we surrender and wait patiently as Spirit shows us a new way of life.

When we surrender from a place of defeat, we admit that we've failed. Ego has pushed us on this journey beyond the point of no return.  Because we've exhausted ourselves by following ego's lead, we surrender but the surrender comes about with a lot of anger, frustration and sadness.  In many cases, we have devoted a lot of time effort and energy in managing a relationship that is broken, a career that stultifies our ability to grow or a friendship that leaves us feeling empty and unsatisfied.

How can we avoid surrendering from a place of defeat?  The answer lies in going within.  By listening to our inner guidance and engaging in self-reflection, we become attuned to our internal voice.  This voice will guide us , support us and nurture us as we navigate the challenges life presents to us.  This voice will tell us when it is time to fix that relationship or take a time-out from it.  This voice nudges us to dust off the resume or take that class we've been putting off.  This voice encourages us to speak our truth with our friends and take a leap of faith and embrace meeting new people.  Finally, this voice will always steer us properly through any obstacles we encounter.  This voice is waiting for u s, if we'd only take the time to listen.

When we find ourselves in the place of surrender, like The Hanged Man, we are in alignment for miraculous changes.  As we let go, we can be sure that peace and love are only a breath or two away.



Lack vs. end desire?

Karmic indebtedness. . . .