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Karmic indebtedness. . . .

We have all heard the expression 'we reap what we sow'.  This is the law of karma and cause and effect.  Karma is not a new term.  It has been around for hundreds of years.  Given that, I'm always surprised when I come across someone who is unable to see how their ability to do the right thing can lead to karma. Recently, a new client contacted me for a session.  When I returned Ally's* call, I sensed the urgency of her situation.  I knew that whatever was happening in her life was affecting her ability to think clearly and that she needed answers immediately.  We booked a session, met at our designated time and talked at length about the issue she was facing.  I gladly brought forth to her all the messages I was given by Spirit.  At the end of our session, she gave me a check for my services and we parted ways.  As I went on with my day, I felt positive that she had received the clarity and answers she needed to move forward.

Several days later, I was informed by my bank that her check bounced.  Completely taken aback by this, I left a message on her cell phone.  The next day I tried both her cell and home phones.  Several days later, I left one last set of messages on both her cell and home phones.  In all cases, I received no response.  Knowing that a karmic debt was due to me, I sent a letter to her home explaining the karmic implications of not correcting the situation.  Once again, nothing.  Finally, I decided to release the situation to Spirit and move forward.

What will happen to Ally?  I don't know.  Will she pay her karmic debt?  Yes.  How will she reap her karma?  That is up to Spirit and her higher self.  It could be as simple as her not being paid for some service she provides or, if she's been bouncing checks with a lot of people it could be something more serious like her becoming a victim of identity theft or perhaps she'll be sued by someone.

While I'm disappointed by Ally's lack of commitment to make me financially whole, I'm am reminded of how often we think our actions don't have implications.  Karma is karma and it exists whether you believe in it or not.  Ally obviously doesn't care or believe in karma.  I find that sad.  At the end of the day, being conscious, doing the right thing and understanding how your actions affect others requires us to behave responsibly.  As souls, we are on a journey of evolution.  Our journey is filled with choices.  A choice to be irresponsible stops our forward momentum and puts us in reverse.  Once in reverse, we need to repeat and re-learn lessons again and again until they are satisfied.  For Ally the  journey continues.

* Name changed



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