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All is divine. . .

The biggest message I keep sharing with clients lately is that "all is divine".  Things happen to us that we often don't understand.  A relationship ends, people pass away, an injury occurs or a friend moves out of town.  Everything that occurs is divine in the eyes of God.  If you believe we all have a path to walk, then you should believe that things that happen while we are walking on the path are all divine.  These things may not make sense to us, but they make sense in the bigger picture.  We can't always see the bigger picture while walking the path.  Many people never truly see the bigger picture of their lives, but trusting that it all happens as God sees fit is having faith in what we don't understand or comprehend.  We don't know the 'way' of things, but the 'way knows the way'. 

Rescuer vs rescued?

What are you waiting for?