
Welcome to my site. There is a lot to see here. Enjoy!

The larva to the butterfly

It is normal for many of us to be in a cocoon right now.  Winter is still upon us, though spring is a few weeks away.  In this dark space, we evolve, we shift, we grow.  What are we becoming?  The answer is yet to be revealed.  Will we like the new space or place we will step into?  We do not know.  We are in-between.  We are not the old us anymore and we have not become our new selves.  Who are we?  We are no longer the caterpillar.  We haven't yet become the butterfly.  We are the larva.  We are the work-in-progress.  We are exactly where we need to be, even if we feel this place is uncomfortable.  Discomfort means change.  Change is upon us.  In a few short weeks, we'll shed the cocoon and peek our eyes out to our new lives.  The beauty is waiting for us.  Can you feel it?

Creatures of habit. . . .

There are no accidents. . .