The past few weeks have brought about a lot of eye opening moments for clients. Collectively, you are being asked to look at your choices, your behaviors, your conditioning, your expectations and your own level of attraction. No one enters our lives by accident. We always attract into our lives someone who resonates at the same vibration as we do. I have been finding myself telling clients that a person doesn't just fall into your life. There was no accident here. You attracted that person into your life based on what you are vibrating. The arrival of that person was the answer to your unconscious call. Period. Instead of vibrating and drawing people in unconsciously; we are being asked to look at how we are vibrating, what we are vibrating and to be more aware of the unconscious signs and symbols we are sending out. It is only when we become consciously aware of what we are vibrating that we can then begin to change, evolve and grow. Spirit is asking us to take the blinders off. In some situations, the blinders are coming off whether you want them to or not. It's time to see not with sunglasses on, but with eyes wide open. It's time to take responsibility. It's time to realize that we are not just passengers, but the drivers of our existence.