Loss is a part of our lives. Whether it is the relationship that comes to an end, the death of a loved one, the ending of a career or the move to a new city or state; we all deal with loss throughout our lives. How we deal with loss is tied to our perception of releasing something that no longer serves us. Our biggest challenge often is in finding the blessing behind the loss. Is it the realization of love lessons learned? Is it the honoring of a life well-lived? Is it the embracing of a new career while respecting the one that was left behind? Is it the welcoming of a new home with new ground to walk upon? If we perceive loss as something that has happened to us, then we allow ourselves to be a victim. If we perceive loss as something new that we can embrace and welcome, then we allow ourselves the opportunity for a new life. Honoring our initial feelings of loss and the related sadness, anger and despair are necessary to come to terms with what we've let go of. Once we are past our feelings of loss, we need to be committed to the joy, exuberance and love that new experiences can bring us. It is only in embracing the light that loss brings to us that we can find our way out of our darkened heart.