Many of the sessions I've done recently have revolved around a common theme: timing. We want to obtain our goal, our desire in our time frame (egoic timing). In many cases, we end up feeling frustrated when we realize that we need to put our faith in divine timing and allow our goal to happen according to Spirit's plan. Many people think the ego is bad. The ego serves us in good ways, but it also serves us in some negative ways. It can be demanding, challenging and annoying. Most importantly, ego is not patient. Ego wants what it wants now. What does ego want?
that ideal job or job title;
that relationship of our dreams;
that ring on our finger;
that cute house with the white picket fence;
that promotion, that salary increase;
that corner office;
that $25,000 credit limit;
that all expense paid trip to Bali;
and on and on.
Because we are driven by ego, we tend to push forward at times when we should be allowing. When we push, we exert a lot of energy. When we allow we conserve energy. Additionally, allowing puts us in the position of saying to Spirit that we trust in the process and will continue to walk the path, even though we'd like things to move along quicker.
What can we do while we patiently wait for Spirit's plan to unfold? We can stay focused on our goal, visualize ourselves with the end result of our goal and begin to give thought to what we wish to obtain once this goal has been manifested.
Finally, Tom Petty was right. The waiting is the hardest part.