We are all stepping into a new level of awareness. Based on our willingness to accept this new level of awareness, we can embrace or resist this process. As always, the choice is ours. For some of us, this new level of awareness comes about by having our eyes subtly opened. We perceive a situation from a new perspective and can see it for the greater lesson or teaching it provides to us. From this new place of wisdom, we can release what no longer serves us. This type of awareness is softer and easier for our spirit-selves to embrace. For others, this new level of awareness comes in the form of a 'wake-up call'. When we get a 'wake-up call', we are being pushed by Spirit to acknowledge and accept something we've been viewing through closed eyes. Our 'wake-up call' serves to bring in, somewhat strongly, a new level of awareness to us in a big bang kind of way. A wake-up call can be painful, traumatic and devastating. A wake-up call can shatter your feelings about who you are and what your life is about. A wake-up call puts our ego in high alert mode. Our ego resists the intensity of the wake-up call because it likes comfort and complacency. If your ego is struggling with a new level of awareness, ask yourself why you are uncomfortable. What is causing your feelings of unease? The cause of our discomfort is almost always our fear of change. The irony is that we are all changing and evolving all the time. We may not feel our evolution on a conscious level, but it is always happening. The choice is ours to embrace change with open arms or resist it from a place of unwillingness. "Everything changes, nothing remains without change" - Buddha (563-483 B.C.)