Is there a person in your life who gets on your nerves, gets under your skin or drives you crazy?Is there a person in your life who is jealous of you, who causes you issues at work or with your family and whose agenda seems filled with revenge?
As hard as it is to believe, this person has a lesson to teach you. Think for a moment about what emotion or emotions come up for you when you think of this person. Do you feel victimized? angry? helpless? Do you want to tell this person to get lost or go away? Is this a situation where you should be speaking your truth, but are afraid of offending someone. Are you afraid of repercussions, if you speak your truth? If you look underneath how you are reacting to this person's behavior, your true feeling will surface. You may find that you feel unworthy, unloved, irresponsible or unsure of someone or something. For example, a jealous co-worker could mirror your own insecurities about advancing on the job. A challenging relationship with your mother-in-law could mirror how confident you feel about the role of being your husband's wife.
The people in our lives who provide us with the highest levels of stress and anxiety have a wonderful gift to give to us. They serve as mirrors with regard to unresolved, unexamined and disowned aspects of ourselves that need to be brought to the surface and healed. Once these disowned parts of ourselves are healed, you will find the dynamic between you and that challenging person to be healed as well. Mirroring is a powerful technique to help us resolve the darker spots of our psyche and assist us in our soul's growth. Our willingness to address the issues that another person mirrors to us is an indication of our openness or lack thereof to look at our deeper selves.