Emotions are energy. Anger is an energy. Love is an energy. Fear is an energy. Joy is an energy. At any given time, we are flooded with the energy of how we feel about someone or something. We may miss a person one moment and the next moment we have feelings of anger towards them. We may feel a person is good hearted and then the next moment think that they are cruel. Everything we feel is an energy. It is important to allow an energy to move through us. Some people fear the intensity of emotions. They feel that they'll be suffocated or overwhelmed by an emotion. It is the fear of that emotion suffocating or overwhelming us that makes that emotion seem unbearable. I often tell clients to just allow themselves to 'feel' and to 'feel fully'. If you are sad, allow yourself to feel that sadness. If you are angry, allow yourself to feel that anger. If you are happy, allow yourself to feel that happines. If we choose to restrict an emotion, we get stuck and become stagnant. This leads to depression. Feeling is important in processing every good and bad emotion. If we trust that it's safe to 'go there' and go with that emotion, we will find that energies will move through us quicker. There also needs to be faith that the reason why an emotion is coming up is because it is something we need to look at, process and then let go of. In honoring the emotions that arise, we can walk our path with complete connection to who we are: beings of light.