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Releasing what no longer serves us. . .

A big part of moving forward on the path is releasing the things that no longer serve us.  Sometimes we release in anger.  Sometimes we release in tears.  Often times we release with uncertainty and mostly we release in fear.  Fear that what lies ahead may be too much for us.  Fear that what is next may be something we don't want or won't like.  Fear that what is next is going to be uncomfortable.  Spirit always gives us exactly what we can handle.  Spirit always gives us the right mix of change and newness so we can adjust properly.  I like to think of releasing like peeling an onion.  I call it the 'onion effect'.  We peel off a layer of the onion and live in that place for awhile.  When that layer no longer serves us, we peel that off and live in the new layer for awhile.  We are always stripping away the old and replacing it with the new.  We strip away memories, thoughts, illusions and realities that no longer fit who we are.  At the core level, we are divine beings.  By stripping away, we get closer and closer to that divine place.  If we are working our way back to a divine place, why is that so SCARY?  Do we feel unworthy?  It's the illusion that we are unworthy of being divine that keeps us held back instead of moving forward.  Trust the onion effect and find your way back to wholeness.

Comfort and discomfort. . .

A collective sigh of relief