Many times I feel like we attempt to put the 'cart before the horse'. We are so eager to get to the next spot on the path that we forget the importance of the moment we are in right now. If you've read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, you know how important it is to be connected to this moment because the power we have in this moment is undefinable and undescribable. Recently I was speaking with a client who said she was just 'obsessed' with getting to the finish line and 'feeling it'. She could taste the sweet smell of victory and she wanted it NOW. I empathized with her because I could see how much she really wanted it. However, I tried to make her understand that she needed to focus on where she was right now because there was so much power in this place. If we live our lives always wanting to be somewhere else, somewhere forward, somewhere better, stronger, happier, etc., then we lose what this moment is about right now. We can choose in this moment to be happy with this place. We can choose in this moment to see the wisdom and teachings of where we are right now. We can choose so many things for this moment, but mostly we need to choose to be fully in this moment.